Libby Sk8er Girl

Libby Sk8er Girl

Libby Sk8er Girl

Libby Book Ad

No. 49: “Groundhog Day”

Libby Sk8er Girl No. 49

Created by Brian T. Sullivan
February 2, 2022

Libby Book Ad

Also, check out the Libby Sk8er Girl Collection at Ye Olde Starry Knight Shoppe!

Check out the Libby Sk8er Girl Collection at Ye Olde Starry Knight Shoppe!

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Keep Up with Libby!

Libby Sk8er Girl to shows up every Wednesday. You can keep up by checking back here, or by following @bthingsart and/or @starryknightstudios on Instagram!

Libby’s Scribb1es

'Sup, Dudes!?

Could you tell that this comic was drawn on a different kind of paper? That's right! This is the first thing published by Starry Knight Comics (a division of Starry Knight Studios) to be produced on bristol paper!!! Brian's assessment was that: "It is slightly thicker and toothier than the standard printer paper that he has used previously. The result is that it's supposedly nicer to draw on and doesn't make the ink smudge as much while also not soaking the ink in to the point of creating annoying little tributaries in the paper, like cardstock does. The little specks in this comic shouldn't be viewed as a problem with a paper, but rather an issue of putting the ink down in the wrong spot, using white-out to remove it, and not bothering to clean things up on the computer."

All this thought and assessment of what style of dried tree pulp will get marked up so that people can read it on their telephone while sitting on the toilet…For what it's worth, I think I'm just as cool as ever, and my only complaint is that I'm smaller than the groundhog in the picture. I don't care if it's for "perspective" or some shit like that. I am the STAR of this two-bit production, and I deserve the respect of being front and center in every issue! (Don't even get me started on that damned snowman that was added in to make it clear that snow was on the ground…Same with that caution sign…If Brian were a competent artist, he'd know how to make it clear in a black and white comic whether the ground was white and snowy or green and grassy. It is a major failing on his part.)

On the bright side, I got to listen to music in this one. It's nice to listen to music while skateboarding with your eyes closed. It really makes you feel safe and secure, like nothing bad will ever happen. Nothing bad will ever happen. Bad things are a lie concocted by assholes who don't want you to buy official Libby Sk8er Girl T-shirts over at Ye Olde Starry Knight Shoppe at the Starry Knight Studios Threadless Artist's Shop! I know you know that you want to see what's there, and you want to give money for it. You should do all of those things, because I'm just shamelessly asking you to buy stuff, rather than other people that stick literal bullshit content in your face and expect you to be amused enough by it that you'll give them money for things you don't want. You definitely want cool shirts, skateboards, and shower curtains with my classic comics printed on them, right? (If not, don't answer!)

Oh, Brian hasn't promoted it yet, because he's a moron, but you can buy a new edition of the first volume of Brandy de Hex: Certified Sorceress on Amazon now. It's basically the same content as before, but now the book is designed by Brian after getting slightly more experience designing books, so it looks way better! (Plus, there's a hardcover option, and there are character info pages, behind-the-scenes content, and text on the spine!) Even though I resent Brandy as a "friendly" comic series rivalry, I still have to admit that it's pretty cool. (Maybe one day I'll get to star in a book!)

Until the day I'm in a book that you can own and dog-ear, just enjoy what's here. It's free, even if I think you should just give us money for the hell of it.

L8er Sk8ers!