Libby Sk8er Girl

Libby Sk8er Girl

Libby Sk8er Girl

Libby Book Ad

No. 208: “Tricky Yarn”

Libby Sk8er Girl, Issue 208

Created by Brian T. Sullivan
February 19, 2025

Libby Book Ad

Also, check out the Libby Sk8er Girl Collection at Ye Olde Starry Knight Shoppe!

Check out the Libby Sk8er Girl Collection at Ye Olde Starry Knight Shoppe!

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Keep Up with Libby!

Libby Sk8er Girl to shows up every Wednesday. You can keep up by checking back here, or by following @bthingsart and/or @starryknightstudios on Instagram!

Libby’s Scribb1es

'Sup, Dudes!?

In case you're wondering, the trick I attempted is different from a helipop, because I added the heelflip bit. I can't elaborate further, because then I would reveal my secrets. (Don't worry about what those secrets are…They're secret! They're definitely not that my author/creator doesn't actually know all the different skateboarding tricks, because he's a clumsy moron.)

If you're wondering why I had enough yarn to get wrapped up to this extent, then don't worry…Brian has a license to art. Look:

An un-lined 3-by-5 notecard being held by a hand. On the left of the notecard, there are four ghosts drawn in black ink that look like inverted teardrops. One is bigger than the other three. On the right, it reads 'Brian T. Sullivan' in loopy, black text. Beneath that text are three lines. Line 1: License to Art. Line 2: Date Issued: Before now. Line 3: Date Expires: After now. Across the bottom of the card is red text that reads 'Do Not Photograph, Unless You Want To!!!' Brian's Artistic License.

Don't tell me you can't appreciate the legitimacy of something like that! If you can't, then…I don't know…Go do something else. I am going to go get this yarn off of me, so that my belly button can breathe. (Also, "button" is kind-of a weird, stupid word…I'm sure I could find some Amish people to agree with me.)

L8er Sk8ers!