(Be sure to write “OKAY TO REPRODUCE” and include a name if you want a chance for your letter to be included in a future letters column!)
Libby Sk8er Girl to shows up every Wednesday. You can keep up by checking back here, or by following @bthingsart and/or @starryknightstudios on Instagram!
'Sup, Dudes!?
What the actual fuck, Brian?
Guy Hunkmann doesn't show up for nearly 100 episodes, and when he finally does, you have him chatting up Billie? He doesn't even seem to notice I exist! Some creator you are…
First, you create a hot guy for me to lust after. Then, you don't include him in hardly any comics. Then, you introduce this awful character last week. And now, you're having my Guy being all suave and complimentary towards that scumbag??? I sure hope I never have to actually interact with Billie the Sk8er Girl, because I hate her just from afar…as a stranger I don't know.
I'm just glad you didn't include Séamus the Shameless in this in this one…I don't think I could stand it if both of my boys abandoned me for the sake of a petaQ like this Billie. I don't think my heart could have taken that.
Anyway, I don't really know what petaQ means in Klingon, but it's some kind of insult. It's pronounced like, "pe-TAKH," so there you go!