(Be sure to write “OKAY TO REPRODUCE” and include a name if you want a chance for your letter to be included in a future letters column!)
Libby Sk8er Girl to shows up every Wednesday. You can keep up by checking back here, or by following @bthingsart and/or @starryknightstudios on Instagram!
'Sup, Dudes!?
My "wonderful" cousin, Chase the Sn0 Bro, invited me to go with him to a soda tasting. (And I thought winos were pretentious!) Needless to say, it kinda fizzled out. But hey! At least you've gotten a few puns out of it, right?
In other news, Brian went bowling last weekend, and he was telling me about how sore his arm and body were afterwards…It's so weird how we forget that bowling is an actual sport, and not just a trivial thing…Brian should get into shape! (He also had an abysmal score, apparently, but neither he nor I know what a "good" score in bowling is supposed to be, so who cares?!)
That's all for now. I wonder what adventure I'll go on next week! Hopefully it will involve hot guys I'm not related to, and not sipping carbonated sugar water with my cousin!