Libby Sk8er Girl

Libby Sk8er Girl

Libby Sk8er Girl

Libby Book Ad

No. 117: “The Sk8er Girl and the Boulder”

Libby Sk8er Girl No. 117

Created by Brian T. Sullivan
May 24, 2023

Libby Book Ad

Also, check out the Libby Sk8er Girl Collection at Ye Olde Starry Knight Shoppe!

Check out the Libby Sk8er Girl Collection at Ye Olde Starry Knight Shoppe!

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Keep Up with Libby!

Libby Sk8er Girl to shows up every Wednesday. You can keep up by checking back here, or by following @bthingsart and/or @starryknightstudios on Instagram!

Libby’s Scribb1es

'Sup, Dudes!?

You know, maybe putting a mattress on a single, big rock isn't quite the same as putting a pea under a bunch of mattresses…I mean, it's a different texture and everything. I think Anna's test is flawed. Plus, I was really tired when this was going on, so I could have probably slept on a bed of nails with no issue. So, basically, Siobhán doesn't know what she's talking about. The sleeping on something test doesn't work, and there's absolutely nothing about my personality otherwise that would make you think I'm not a princess. Like I said, Siobhán doesn't know anything. (Like, she doesn't even know how to put a shirt on.)

I'm perfect, and everybody should worship me as the Princess of Perfection!

L8er Sk8ers!