Brandy de Hex: Certified Sorceress

Brandy de Hex

Brandy de Hex

CHAPTER 5: “Golems and Galas”


Brandy de Hex, Issue 41, Page 1
Brandy de Hex, Issue 41, Page 2
Brandy de Hex, Issue 41, Page 3
Brandy de Hex, Issue 41, Page 4

Created by Brian T. Sullivan
December 22, 2021

Check out the Brandy de Hex Collection at Ye Olde Starry Knight Shoppe!

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(Be sure to write “OKAY TO REPRODUCE” and include a name if you want a chance for your letter to be included in a future letters column!)

Keep Up with Brandy!

New issues of Brandy de Hex: Certified Sorceress are being made! Check back soon for updates. You can keep up by checking back here or by following me (Brian) on Instagram @bthingsart or by following Starry Knight Studios @starryknightstudios!

Brandy’s Witch Watch Updates!

Hey there, Brandy Fans!

It's over! Story 4 of Brandy de Hex is finally over!!! I literally started writing this arc over two years ago, before Coronavirus was even a thing. Now, this story is finally done and I can move on to new ones!

If you're reading this, thank you so much for sticking with me through all of this. Brandy de Hex: Certified Sorceress is by far the most complicated and time-consuming of the three comics I make, and while that hopefully shows, I also know that it probably makes it frustrating for readers who want to follow the stories and actually remember what's going on. That is why, although there will be a slightly longer break until the next issue comes out, it won't be more than a month's wait. I'm currently working on a 6-page 1-off story that should be ready by mid-January (2022) at the latest. The subsequent multi-issue arc is also currently being written, and while it will need to be drawn after that, I'll hopefully be ready to start releasing before March comes around. Of course, I'm in grad school right now, so while I hope to get a lot done in these few weeks when I'm on break, timetables might get wonky. I don't want them to, though, and I will do my very best to keep up.

But, with all this in mind, this is going to be the final issue of Brandy de Hex published in 2021. I know I said it before, but I'll say it again: Thank you for reading my comics! I really love the fact that I have characters that I created, who do things and lead far more interesting lives than I do. If you appreciate what I do and like tangible objects, you can always buy T-shirts and things at the Starry Knight Studios shop on Threadless. Doing that can help to make these comics possible and tell the world that you have Excellent Taste!

That said, you don't have to buy things from me. You can also just have fun reading my comics! If you're interested, there's also a new issue of Libby Sk8er Girl out today. It's ridiculous, as usual, and also more thematically appropriate to this time of year. Check it out and then question what you've done with your time!

Thanks again for reading, and I'll see you again in 2022 with all-new adventures for Brandy de Hex: Certified Sorceress! (Don't worry, Sherry and the others will be there as well!)

Be seeing you!