Brandy de Hex: Certified Sorceress

Brandy de Hex

Brandy de Hex

CHAPTER 5: “Golems and Galas”

PART I: “Mrs. Gilmont's Order”

Brandy de Hex, Issue 27, Page 1
Brandy de Hex, Issue 27, Page 2

Created by Brian T. Sullivan
January 1, 2020

Check out the Brandy de Hex Collection at Ye Olde Starry Knight Shoppe!

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(Be sure to write “OKAY TO REPRODUCE” and include a name if you want a chance for your letter to be included in a future letters column!)

Keep Up with Brandy!

New issues of Brandy de Hex: Certified Sorceress are being made! Check back soon for updates. You can keep up by checking back here or by following me (Brian) on Instagram @bthingsart or by following Starry Knight Studios @starryknightstudios!

Brandy’s Witch Watch Updates!

Hi Brandy Fans!

Oof! It's been a while, hasn't it?

Yeah, it has, and I'm sorry about that. Life has just been life-ish for me for the past several months, and for some reason Brandy just got put on the back burner, even though she didn't deserve to be. But that is the past! It is a new year, and I've got a whole new story written and partially drawn, with the first part already here for you to read!!!

In addition to starting a new Brandy de Hex story, you will also find that this year will have a number of other new things in store, as well as a continuation of old things. At least, that is the plan/hope. In the meantime, enjoy this new adventure with Brandy, and keep your eyes peeled for new stuff. As always, you can follow me on Instagram @BThingsArt to see art I post, and you can also shop at both my Etsy and my Threadless stores to get cool Brandy de Hex and Starry Knight-related merch!

Besides all of that, however, I just want to thank you for reading the stuff I make, and I hope all of you have a wonderful new year (and new decade…assuming you aren't a pedantic idiot). It was really exciting getting to type "2020" in for the copyright and stuff for this issue of Brandy, so let's make sure the year 2020 lives up to the hype!

Be seeing you!