Brandy de Hex: Certified Sorceress

Brandy de Hex

Brandy de Hex

CHAPTER 3: “Trouble at the Office”

PART XI: “Cow-tastrophe Fallout”

Brandy de Hex, Issue 25, Page 1
Brandy de Hex, Issue 25, Page 2

Created by Brian T. Sullivan
July 10, 2019

Check out the Brandy de Hex Collection at Ye Olde Starry Knight Shoppe!

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Keep Up with Brandy!

New issues of Brandy de Hex: Certified Sorceress are being made! Check back soon for updates. You can keep up by checking back here or by following me (Brian) on Instagram @bthingsart or by following Starry Knight Studios @starryknightstudios!

Brandy’s Witch Watch Updates!

Hi Brandy Fans!

Two arcs are now complete! You don't know this yet, but that is very exciting for me and will be for you in the weeks ahead! (More info coming soon!)

In the meantime, did you know that I will have a booth at Fort Collins Comic Con this year? Well, if you read these updates, then you do now! It is August 17 and 18, and more information can be found at FC3 is fairly small, but it's local for me, and this will be my first con as a vendor/artist alley-type person. I'll be selling art prints and books and things, so be sure to come by if you're able to. Until then, be sure to keep up on all the things I do by following me on Instagram @BThingsArt and by checking all the things on my website (this site), (Oh! And if you want, you can support me on Patreon, so yeah!)

Thanks for reading and hopefully enjoying what I make. (If you didn't enjoy it, why are you reading it?) Just knowing people enjoy what I do is really rewarding, and your support is always appreciated!

Be seeing you!