Brandy de Hex: Certified Sorceress

Brandy de Hex

Brandy de Hex

CHAPTER 3: “Trouble at the Office”

PART VII: “Runaway Cows”

Brandy de Hex, Issue 21, Page 1
Brandy de Hex, Issue 21, Page 2

Created by Brian T. Sullivan
May 29, 2019

Check out the Brandy de Hex Collection at Ye Olde Starry Knight Shoppe!

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Keep Up with Brandy!

New issues of Brandy de Hex: Certified Sorceress are being made! Check back soon for updates. You can keep up by checking back here or by following me (Brian) on Instagram @bthingsart or by following Starry Knight Studios @starryknightstudios!

Brandy’s Witch Watch Updates!

Hi Brandy Fans!

Did you like this week's issue? Just wait, there's more!

This issue of Brandy won't be the only one you can read this week, because Issue #22 is going to be released THIS FRIDAY (May 31)!!! That's two awesome issues of Brandy de Hex: Certified Sorceress in a single week! I think that's pretty neat, but I'm also a little biased, since this whole operation is my fault in the first place.

Anyway, while I'm almost certain that you find these little notes to be the most interesting part of any new issue of Brandy, they do cut into the time I use to create other cool things, so I think I'll have to bring this one to a close and get back to plugging away at everything!

Be seeing you!